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SEA-ABT Newsletter #2, July 2018

Dear !subscriber_name,

We are happy that you have decided to subscribe to the SEA-ABT Newsletter which will provide you a summary of the main news, events and activities of the project and the SEA-ABT Consortium.
In this second Newsletter, you will find information about:
  • the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Food Ingredients and Food Safety (IFIFS) organised by SEA-ABT, ASIFOOD, AIT and the ISEKI-Food Association in Bangkok, Thailand, 12-13 September 2018
  • Memorandum of Understanding signed by UNITE, KU and CU
  • Beverage-4-Us - results and winners of the international student competition under the theme Innovation in beverage technology: "healthy beverages from waste utilisation of food"


Read the full newsletter here:


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