Project partners

P01: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
AT Austria

BOKU (Universität für Bodenkultur) is the only Austrian university in the area of Natural Resources Management and Life Sciences, with about 12000 students (20% of which are international).

The Department of Food Science & Technology (DFST) holds a broad expertise in all relevant areas along the food supply chain. It possesses core competences in food technology and process engineering, food biotechnology, food microbiology and hygiene, food safety and quality, development and implementation of tailored HACCP concepts, food chemistry and physics as well as in sensory and consumer sciences. The DFST is well equipped with analytical instruments and has a pilot plant and a laboratory for kitchen applications in connection with a computer-aided laboratory for sensory analysis. The pilot plant includes all necessary equipment to realise the pilot scale processing of most unit operations and unit processes used in the industrial production of foods. The DFST is the major Austrian research institute for food technology and is an experienced and reliable partner with universities and industries.

Contact persons:
Gunter Greil's picture


Gerhard Schleining's picture

Coordinator of the SEA-ABT project.
Expertise in Food Safety and Qualitymanagement, Hygienic Design, Food Structure and Texture measurement, e-learning.

Rainer Svacinka's picture

Project Manager (Leader of WP9)
Responsible for administration, controlling and reporting

P02: Hochschule Geisenheim (HGU)
DE Germany

The main research activity of the Institute of Wine Analysis & Beverage Technology is the physicochemical characterization of alcohol-free and alcoholic beverages concerning primary and secondary substances. Specific subjects are product quality, sensory evaluation, technological impact of high-molecular weight substances, molecular nutrition and analytical method development. The lab is equipped with a broad range of modern analytical systems. The in-house fruit juice company produces fruit and vegetable juices, nectars, ciders, fruit wines and spirits for research and education purposes. Novel beverage technology processes are developed or tested, respectively. The available equipment is close to industry facilities and allows conducting of processing studies from lab to pilot scale. Most of the research work is done with Ph.D. programs.
The study course beverage technology was established at the Geisenheim University in 1972. The B.Sc. program is configured over 3 years including 6 semesters each with 15 lesson weeks. Since 2010 the M.Sc. program is running together with the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, where 2 semesters have to be completed in each location. In the B.Sc. program professors and research scientists of the institute are responsible for the courses fruit & vegetable juices, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, food law, and chemical practical courses. In the M.Sc. program they offer the courses food technology & process engineering, specific beverage analytics, beverage development and valorization of fruits and vegetables.

Contact persons:

P03: University of Teramo (UNITE)
IT Italy

The Faculty of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment of the University of Teramo, was funded in 2013 as join institution of the Faculty of Agriculture and the Department of Food Science.

Research activities are carried out on in an interdisciplinary environment on various aspects of agro-food supply chain and developed in 8 Research Units (Food Technology; Chemical Methodologies and Food Analysis; Agricultural economics; Food and environmental microbiology, Agronomy and Crop Sciences; Energy and Environment; Biochemistry). The Faculty hosts a series of analytical and instrumental laboratories equipped with advanced instrumentation and small technological apparatus and plants.  Researchers of UNITE are/were involved in various projects supported by national and international, public and private entities also in collaboration with food industries.

UNITE encompasses degree programmes related to the agro-food area: Food Science and Technology (1st and 2nd level Degree, the second in English language), Oenology and Viticulture (1st level) and Biotechnology (1st level). UNITE is promoter of training initiatives in a Lifelong learning perspective and post-graduated master courses (e.g. Valorisation of the Protected geographical areas and Agro-food quality, GESLOPAN, Development and Management of Food Innovation).

UNITE hosts the Ph.D degree programme on Food Science.

UNITE promotes transnational mobility of students between UNITE and other institutions through ERASMUS+ programs and is involved in other collaborative programmes with no-EU countries.

UNITE was/is involved in several EU projects within the 7th FP under IDEAS, COOPERATION, PEOPLE, Marie-Curie programmes. In the agro-food field since 2005 UNITE was/is involved in Erasmus Academic Thematic Networks (ISEKI_Food2; ISEKI_Mundus; ISEKI_Food 3, and ISEKI_Mundus 2; I.S.L.E.) and in the FP7 KBBETrack_Fast It was  the coordinator of the Erasmus Thematic network ISEKI_Food 4 ( is external) ).

Contact persons:
Dario Compagnone's picture

Expert in development of rapid analytical methods for  food quality and safety , sensors and biosensors. Expertise in coordination of food study programmes

Paola Pittia's picture

Expert on food product development, quality and processing of foods. Expertise in curriculum development, training, activities and joint study programmes.

P04: ISEKI-Food Association (IFA)
AT Austria

IFA is an independent non-profit organisation in the food sector, established in 2005 and mainly focused on education and training. Its members are University and research institutions, companies and associations related to food from all 5 continents(link is external). This network is existing since more than 20 years and has among their members experts available in almost all food related fields to carry out training also in different languages.

IFA is developing and carrying out activities connected to food such as:

  • working towards the quality assurance of food studies
  • tuning and accrediting curricula and certifying training activities on an international level
  • developing teaching materials and teaching methods
  • promoting synergies between research, education/teaching, industry and authorities
  • development of a virtual community of experts in the food sector
  • establishment of a framework of agreements among partners, fostering the mobility of students and staff, stimulating the development of further related projects, cooperation in the implementation of quality criteria in the food chain

IFA offers sector specific accreditation and certification services for Food Study programmes and short courses ( is external)) on an international level.

IFA maintains databases on curricula(link is external), teaching materials(link is external), mobility (PICAM(link is external)), equipment (link is external)and an e-learning platform(link is external).

IFA organizes international conferences(link is external), tailored workshops and training courses (link is external)and offers services for scientific event management(link is external).

Contact persons:
Anita Habershuber's picture

Responsible for SEA-ABT website and dissemination

Saverio Mannino's picture

food chemist, expert in quality management, accreditation of food study programmes, laboratory accredtiation

P05: Chulalongkorn University (CU)
TH Thailand

Short presentation of Chulalongkorn University

Chulalongkorn University is Thailand’s first institution of higher learning and was officially established in March 1917 by King Vajiravudh (Rama VI). The university is named after his father, King Chulalongkorn (Rama V), who laid the foundations for modern education in Thailand. In keeping withthe shared vision of both kings, Chulalongkorn University has upheld its reputation as an institution for academic excellence, where nearly a century of honorable tradition is perfectly combined with modern fields of study. We are ranked 243rdamong the world’s top 2,000 universities in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World Rankings for 2014-2015. Moreover, we are ranked 1stin Thailand in the Scimago Institutions Rankings World Report 2014. At Chulalongkorn University, students will have the opportunity to experience the prestige of a world-class university, an enduring sense of purpose in their studies and the warmth and unity of one of the finest academic communities in the region.




Contact persons:
Chaleeda Borompichaichartkul's picture

Project partner

Saiwarun Chaiwanichsiri's picture
Gauri Khullar's picture
Sarn Settachaimongkon's picture
  • Coordinator for CU
  • Responsible for WP-1
  • Expertise in Milk and dairy product technology, Fermented beverages

P06: Kasetsart University (KU)
TH Thailand

 Kasetsart University is the University where bodies of knowledge and research potential have been continually accumulated for nearly seven decades.
     The identity of the Kasetsart University "Kasetsart University aims to create knowledges of the land for the well-being of nation".


Contact persons:
Preeyachat Chantachot's picture
Chaiwit Chowchainit's picture
Lawan Maneelomrat's picture
Sumallika MORAKUL's picture
Kriskamol Na jom's picture
Sansanee Pethwong's picture

Web manager for Thailand

Sasitorn Tongchitpakdee's picture

1. Co-ordinator for Thai Partners
2. Responsible for WP-3 and WP-5

Ulaiwan Withayagiat's picture

P07: King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL)
TH Thailand

King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL for short) is a research and educational institution in Thailand. It is located in the city of Bangkok, Thailand. KMITL was founded in 1960 in Nonthaburi province as a telecommunications training center under the technical support of the Japanese government; the center was later named the Nonthaburi Institute of Telecommunications. After moving to a new location at Lat Krabang near Suvarnabhumi Airport, the campus became King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang.

The Faculty of Engineering of KMITL ( is external)) is one of the best engineering faculties in Thailand. Its missions are to provide the best education for students with rigorous theoretical knowledge and practical skills and know-hows and to advance knowledge and research in all major areas of engineering. The faculty provides modern and advanced equipment and laboratories for all undergraduate and postgraduate students. At least four departments (e.g. Food Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Instrumentation and Control Engineering) in the faculty can support the academic knowledge and research in the area of food and beverage processing, e.g. hygienic equipment design, hygienic design of piping systems, managing airflow and air filtration in food factories, hygienic supply of electricity, lighting, water, and steam).

The main strength of the food engineering department of KMITL is the “hygienic engineering and design of food factories” as the staffs are the core working group of the hygienic engineering and design in Thailand. Also KMITL is an Institutional member of EHEDG and chairing the regional section Thailand of the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG, is external)).

Besides giving knowledge and practices for students in the university, the training for staffs of Thai food factories also was regular organized by KMITL under the aim to promote the hygienic manufacturing.


Contact persons:
Navaphattra Nunak's picture

- Coordinator for Thai Partners

Taweepol Suesut's picture

1.Coordinator for Thai Partners
2. Responsible for WP-3

P08: Patkol Public Company Limited (PATKOL)
TH Thailand

PATKOL public Company Limited ( is external)) is well known in ASEAN as the company providing the excellent engineering for the whole system of food processing plant. PATKOL is an engineering company in Thailand dedicated to providing the best possible products and services with a work force of more than 600 employed at the head office and production facilities. A passion for innovation and engineering excellence has been the driving force that has made PATKOL a leader in the manufacture of a wide range of industrial equipment and machinery. PATKOL’s unmatched engineering expertise has enabled it to offer a one-stop service, starting from the consulting and planning through blue print to design, installation and operation of a project, for numerable customers in the ice making machine, beverage, cold storage, dairy, and food processing industries.

PATKOL is organized in 7 groups of business operation, e.g. ice making machine business unit, refrigeration business unit, dairy & beverage business unit, food processing engineering business unit, petrochemical project business unit, turnkey project business unit, and service & maintenance business unit. The unit of diary & beverage business is divided into machine and system for machine for diary and beverage industries. PATKOL could design, manufacture and install the whole system as well as providing spare parts for milk plant, beverage industries in both alcohol and non-alcohol including stainless steel tank with CIP system.

The main strength of the PATKOL is the leading company in refrigeration and food machinery fields, especially in the diary and beverage business unit, with excellent engineering capability and high quality products. PATKOL always concerns to the quality of food equipment and plant with striving to seek out and find better ways of manufacturing premium quality products such as being a company member of the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG, is external)) and a regional committee of EHEDG Thailand as a representative of food equipment manufacture.

Besides, PATKOL always supports the activity of university in the engineering education such as providing internships and trainers in order to raise the engineering students to be the processional engineer.




P09: Habla-Chemie GmbH (HABLA)
DE Germany

For more than 40 years HABLA Cemie GmbH has been a provider of effective sanitaring solutions, especially for the food and beverage industry's requirements, but also for restaurants, hotels and canteen kitchens – particularly easy to use, economical and environmentally friendly too. Habla’s high-quality and environmentally friendly products are used both in Europe and in Asia. The company is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and 14001.

Constant innovation, research and perfect service through highly qualified experts are keeping the company on a successful course. Habla also works closely with its customers and provides them with all kinds of support in any questions of cleaning and sanitizing. It runs staff training courses and advises on the implementation and running of an effective quality or environmental management system.

HABLA will lead the development of a business plan of the academy in cooperation with the other partners (WP6) and provide courses in cleaning and sanitizing technology and environmental management.

Associated partners

P10: European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG)
DE Germany

See also here a short presentation of EHEDG.

EHEDG delivers guidance by developing illustrated guidelines, practical test procedures and animated training material to make legal requirements easy understandable. The second demand for our designers and engineers is to understand the difference between Mechanical Designs versus Hygienic Design.
University graduates are highly qualified experts trained to solve complex engineering requirements and they are expected to design and build innovative and safe to operate machinery. Nevertheless they are often not aware of Hygienic Engineering & Design as it was not a mandatory part of their study contents.
In answer to these needs, the EHEDG expert network was established to close the existing knowledge gaps by developing teaching aids for practical use as well as education material for students, engineers and operators who are interested in learning more about the field of Hygienic Design & Engineering.
Still millions of food born diseases killing thousands of people every year as a result of not hygienically designed food  processing equipment, process lines or plants.
The role of EHEDG is to change this situation. We train and educate people to all Hygienic Design issues in our multilingual training courses, seminars and workshops. We give practical information on Hazards in Hygienic Processing, Hygienic Design Criteria, Materials of Construction, Welding Stainless Steel, Static Seals and Couplings, Cleaning and Disinfection, Valves, Pumps, Building and Process Layout, Lubricants, Installation and Maintenance, Verification of Hygienic Design, EHEDG Test Methods and Certification.
All this material is based on our illustrated and multilingual guidelines which summarized to 45 documents at present.
But food safety is only one important aspect. The second one are potential savings in operating costs through Hygienic Design as we need shorter cleaning time, thereby increasing productive time, reduced chemicals and additives, reduced power, steam and fuel consumption, reduced water and water treatment costs.

Contact persons:
Knuth Lorenzen's picture

Knut Lorenzen was working at GEA Tuchenhagen and he was also Past President of EHEDG and chairs the EHEDG Training Group.

P11: European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN)
BE Belgium

The aim of EUCEN is:

  • to contribute to the social, economic and cultural life of Europe through the promotion and advancement of lifelong learning within higher education institutions in Europe and elsewhere
  • To foster universities' influence in the development of lifelong learning knowledge and policies throughout Europe

In furtherance of the above-mentioned objectives the Association shall have, amongst its functions, the following:

  • To provide a forum for the development, interchange and dissemination of innovation and good practice on lifelong learning within European higher education
  • To encourage high standards in all areas of lifelong learning and to harmonise levels of quality for lifelong learning among its members
  • To represent the interests of the lifelong learning community within higher education and to European policymakers
  • To facilitate communication, liaison and collaboration with other appropriate bodies and organisations
  • To promote and conduct research into lifelong learning and to disseminate the results of this research
  • To obtain, collect and receive money, funds and other property and to administer them in pursuance of the objectives of the Association

The Association shall ensure that its objectives and activities remain non profit-making.

Contact persons: