BOKU (Universität für Bodenkultur) is the only Austrian university in the area of Natural Resources Management and Life Sciences, with about 12000 students (20% of which are international).
The Department of Food Science & Technology (DFST) holds a broad expertise in all relevant areas along the food supply chain. It possesses core competences in food technology and process engineering, food biotechnology, food microbiology and hygiene, food safety and quality, development and implementation of tailored HACCP concepts, food chemistry and physics as well as in sensory and consumer sciences. The DFST is well equipped with analytical instruments and has a pilot plant and a laboratory for kitchen applications in connection with a computer-aided laboratory for sensory analysis. The pilot plant includes all necessary equipment to realise the pilot scale processing of most unit operations and unit processes used in the industrial production of foods. The DFST is the major Austrian research institute for food technology and is an experienced and reliable partner with universities and industries.